Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Post

Welcome to my blog. My name is Danny Roth and this is my first time at making any kind of blog. Starting as a high school-drop out I believed I didn't have many options and that it was impossible to become successful. I lived a few years of my life working different jobs, all of which I disliked very much. I would hop from one job to another hoping that I would find somthing that I would enjoy. Unfortunately this never happened.

In 2008 I became an avid reader of personal development and business. Slowly I started applying what I was learning and became amazed at the changes I was making.

Right now I have a mission to achieve financial freedom through different business models including internet business, network marketing and traditional business. My ultimate dream is to start a company that teaches people how to achieve financial freedom and wealth through different business models. To become a teacher of this information I must first become successful myself to gain credibility. I believe that you cannot teach people how to do somthing that you haven't done yourself.

About three months ago I joined a network marketing company called USANA Health Sciences. This is the first business model I am working on. I am already very impressed with how everything is going and will post on this blog how things go.

On this blog I would like to post everything that I have learned in the past and anything I learn now that can help people increase their performance. I will also post articles on my journey to financial freedom. A lot of the articles I post now will be on increasing performance and network marketing. Later on I will write about other business topics although I will not do this until I am involved in them myself.

I hope this blog will inspire people to achieve more and provide some quality information to fast track your success.


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